Old British Faculty

A fairly funny piece of fake news from the uneven wit of Borowitz. This stands out to me:
But the so-called “Tootsie deal” is receiving mixed reviews from some at Harvard, such as classics professor Croughton Davies, who today said that forcing Mr. Summers to wear a dress for a year “blurs the line between disciplinary action and fraternity hazing.”

“I’m not sure if being president of Harvard is worth a tinker’s dam if it means vamping around Harvard Yard like some sort of Ivy League tranny,” Professor Davies said. “Larry Summers wasn’t a bad-looking man, but he is one absolutely hideous woman.”

Deal Breaker

So it doesn’t do categories?
It’s a rather obvious one. It really should be addressed, acknowledged, solved.
Sure, one can do multiple blogs. But how convenient is that? Plus, it defeats the purpose of putting things together.
Oh well… It’s been fun.
Now, let’s look at the other hosted blogs. Eventually, I’ll get my own server-side blog going but I need server space first, of course.

Dispar -ate, -ition, -u/-aging, -ité/-ity

Have been wanted to blog for quite some time. Had several issues. Time is one, as I tend to be quite involved with things I write. And I rather like mailing-lists. Plus I wanted to have some other type of space where I could put a blog. But this might work. After all, I’ll probably be able to export this blog to some other system later on. Blosxom, maybe? Some PHP/MySQL implementation would be great.

Je vais parler de n’importe quoi, sur ce blogue. D’où l’idée de «disparate» (qui existe en français comme en anglais), mais c’est déjà pris.
N’empêche, «Dispar», ça peut être le début de plusieurs mots qui sont pas liés entre eux. Kind of pseudo-morphology.
Aussi, ça fait «dis par», ce qui est pas vraiment grammatical (ça devrait être «dit par»), mais bon…
Ah oui, j’ai tendance à faire du code-switching ces temps ici…

At any rate, I want to use this one as a sandbox (in the Wiki sense). Yes, I’m a French-speaker, so a bunch of things might be in French.

Mais comme je vis en milieu anglophone, que je travaille en anglais, je risque aussi d’écrire des trucs en anglais.

Je vais me présenter plus tard.

The reason I started this blog today is that I went to a presentation on blogs by UCET (University Center for Excellence in Teaching) at IUSB (Indiana University South Bend).

A bilingual blog on disparate subjects. / Un blogue disparate bilingue.