As happens frequently, for me, blogging about a topic makes me think even further about it. So I’m still thinking about learning content and what Apple’s announcement might have to do with it. However, I don’t really have time to write it as a “narrative” (gotta finish this ancillary material; plus, my brother-in-law just arrived in town). So I’ll post my notes as-is, to serve as a placeholder.
(Made easier by Brett Terpstra’s “Indented or Markdown to HTML Unordered List” Ruby script.)
- Don’t call it content
- Access to content
- Allowing students to contribute content
- Higher Ed
- Less about backpack
- Semi-autonomous learning
- Self-learning
- Autodidactic
- Realities of markets
- Sectors
- Creation
- Distribution
- Consumtpion
- But learning is different?
- Material to make you think
- Social media
- Hopes for Moodle 2.0, Sakai 3
- Lifelong learning
- Apple-branded learning management system?
- Not much hope for what it might represent
- Gradebook
- Beyond Numbers template
- Portfolios
- iWeb and beyond
- Online/Offline
- Flexibility
- Updates
- Index and search
- Modular
- Distraction-free learning
- Minisites and encapsulation