Yeah, I think I won’t be an Open Source listener anymore. Though it is one of the first podcasts I started listening to, and though they’ve had some really good episodes (they have a knack for finding good guests), it’s just not doing it for me, anymore.
I do like the concept, though. They’ve been announcing it as as “the blog with a radio show” (though it’s hardly more than one of those NPR shows which happens to have a following in the form of blog readers). And they have been using blog comments as an incentive to pitch shows on themes a little bit off the most travelled routes. (Just a little bit.) But the way it’s executed… I don’t know.
I’m pretty sure many people just love Chris Lydon. He’s your typical radio host. Erudite enough to hold a conversation with most people. Enough of a journalist not to venture too far off the script. But, again, it’s just not doing it for me, anymore.
Some of the main people left the show recently. Though they received a prestigious (and well-endowed) grant, they’re currently doing a PBS-like fundraiser. Something must be going on internally. I just wish I had gone there when I was living down the street from them (thanks to the incredible generosity of Jean and Jay). Not that I care so much abou the situation. But it always hit me that they had a few enthusiastic listeners and were rather uninterested in going somewhere with the incredible amount of comments they got. Almost as if they thought podcasting was just an extension of radio.
I don’t listen to radio.