The Onion | U.S. High School Gets Raw End Of Student Exchange: his total lack of interest in American culture is unfathomable
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(Spoof) Guerilla as Teenage Phase
The Onion | Colombian Teen Going Through Anti-Government Guerilla Phase
One can only go through so many ”phases” in life…
(in reference to this post on the same list)
It’s also spelled “plagiarim” at some point.
In my mind, it’s part of a radical view against plagiarism in which you’re not allowed to spell the same word the same way twice!
Sorry, couldn’t help it…
Jeunesse politique
Libre opinion: Une génération politique est née
Aucune idée si c’est une représentation fidèle de la réalité, mais c’est une perspective fascinante. D’autres en ont parlé dernièrement. Les Québécois entre 18 et 34 ans sont non seulement politisés mais ils entreprennent des démarches politiques.
Anthropological Interdisciplinarity
Good to see that anthropology’s approach to interdisciplinarity is well-understood.
One thing I have found is that writers are far more cynical of crossing boundaries and marrying mediums than are visual artists.
Interesting. IMHO, musicians and musicologists are either reluctant to cross boundaries themselves or, more commonly, are extremely skeptical of non-musicians saying anything about music. It might just be an impression, but it’s a strong one.
Humorix | President Bush Has "Faith" In Science
Humorix | President Bush Has “Faith” In Science:
‘It’s important to keep an open mind, but I think hypothesis-driven science that seeks to support its finding with data is not dead yet.'”
Isn’t there a pattern in fake news?
Piece Brewery & Pizzeria
Piece Brewery & Pizzeria | Dine In or Carry Out
Their Top-Heavy Hefeweizen was unbelievable. Really like the settings.
Bedondaine & Bedons Ronds
Bedondaine & Bedons Ronds
Et ça continue!
Un nouveau broue-pub dans les environs de Montréal. Celui-ci est à Chambly et comporte, paraît-il, un musée.
Bedondaine lui-même était un membre actif de la communauté des Brasseurs Phoux et Biérophoux.
Humanists and Social Scientists
Chicago Manual of Style – Q&A
Responding to a question on “who” and “that”:
Although there are humanists who argue to the contrary, we regard social scientists as people. . .
(Published April 1, 2005)
Gotta love proofreaders…
In the U.S., April Fool's Day has become a 'third-rate holiday'
In the U.S., April Fool’s Day has become a ‘third-rate holiday’: ”
‘No April Fool’s Day cuisine, no April Fool’s Day songs, very few April Fool’s Day TV specials or movies and not a single icon, like a Pilgrim hat or a Santa, are associated with the day,’ Thompson noted.”
Measure of cultural significance?
Dans quel monde vivons-nous, au juste?