So, yesterday was “trust everything you read” day, better known as April Fool’s Day or «Pesch davoroul» in Alterominsch.
What was your favourite April 1 joke?
Did anyone get caught in anything silly?
So, yesterday was “trust everything you read” day, better known as April Fool’s Day or «Pesch davoroul» in Alterominsch.
What was your favourite April 1 joke?
Did anyone get caught in anything silly?
Turn off “Snap”!
It’s impossible to read your posts without that annoying box showing up.
But, um, hi!
Ok, ok…
I kinda like Snap but I must admit that I never really used it.
They should enable it on a link-by-link basis.
So, hi!
Somebody sent me the google tisp joke… it’s maybe possible
I still preferred the Gmail paper one. I don’t mind scatological humour so much but this one was a bit obvious.
One thing I like about Google’s April Fool’s jokes is that they tend to refer to rumours about Google. Like Google Gulp addressing fear of privacy loss.
Anyone noticed other pranks?
Was that April 1st? Oh, I thought it was moved to March 26th this year…..